





~ McCracken's Heaven Sent ~


~ Heaven~

Sex: Female

Born: 6/18/09

Color: White

Eyes: Blue eyes


Height at shoulders:  

CERF: Normal

Relations: Nations mother.



Heaven is from Dana's Huskies and I consider them to be outstanding breeders!   Take a look at

 Heaven's sire and dam further down the page.  Just breath-taking!    Heaven is not a dainty little

 angel.  Heaven is a "take ALL of life in with great joy - including the mud, the muck and every toy

 within sight!   Heaven wallers you like a big polar bear, smiling all the while and is one of my best

 mother's!  Her puppies are big fatties and she could honestly feed the world, she has so much milk!

 She definitely gets this from her dam as from pictures I can see all the pups Isabella had were

 chubby and healthy!  (Females do tend to take after their dams as far as pregnancies, mothering

 instincts, and milk production).  This is another blessing from Kellie McCracken.  I have begged and

 begged to get Heaven.  THANK YOU KELLIE!  


 One Year Old!   Pictures are courtesy of Kellie.  I received Heaven shortly after she weaned a litter of puppies.  So she is currently blowing her coat.  I will take new pictures of her as soon as she is in full coat!



  Two Months Old!



 I believe these were taken just a week or two before Heaven was sent to McCracken Huskies!!!  


 Heaven at 4 wks old!


    Heaven's Sire As Adult and as a pup                 Heaven's Dam as Adult and as a pup